giovedì 30 aprile 2009

.. if you want the pasta to make you ...

Dough for the pasta Ingredients: For 6 persons: 400 gr wheat flour 200 g wheat flour type 0300 gr salt water qbPreparazione: Mix all ingredients thoroughly and lavorateli format you prefer. With this dough you can get: noodles, lasagne, browse for the ravioli, noodles, spaghetti alla chitarra, etc.. A possible variant is to use 300 grams of flour type 0 and 300 g of whole wheat flour: the result is excellent. How to proceed: First, you have the flour to the fountain, that is paid in order to obtain a piles and forming a groove in the middle, so that can remember the crater of a volcano. Break the eggs and then pour in the center dell'incavo. Mix with a fork, gradually incorporating the flour. Few minutes after the eggs have formed with the flour mixture absorbed a yellow that, integrated with the remaining flour, it will become increasingly significant. Then continue working the mixture with your hands. We must push with force, pull slightly and rewind. When it is smooth and homogeneous stendetelo with the rolling pin to obtain a thin foil. To have a browse round rotate the dough as the pull, so as to form a large disc. Then allow to dry, so that, by wrapping it in order to cut, you paste. If the dough is intended to be stuffed, you must not dry it, but proceed quickly, because it must retain the necessary moisture to be able to paste at the time of packaging the type of stuffed pasta you want (ravioli, tortellini, agnolotti, etc..) . Also for the noodles do not let dry out the dough more than necessary, because you lose elasticity and break at the time of roll. Cospargetela with a little flour, arrotolatela and, without pressing, cut with a knife or a narrow strip between their large but equal). Then take the roll obtained, open, infarinateli and adagiateli at work rather than overlapping them. If you use the special roller machine, you have to cut the dough into smaller pieces, which pass through the rollers first to get as many thin strips. These cut in desired length and will pass in the special roller provided with sharp discs. As for the dough, the variations are numerous. In some regions you replace the flour with durum wheat semolina to make the preparation more consistent, in other replace the eggs with as much water noodles to get lighter. You can also add flavor and color the dough. The green paste, for example, you can get using spinach that, once cooked, dried and crushed, add all'impasto. Generally if you add vegetables or liquids, you must reduce the number of eggs, but will remain unchanged if you use cuttlefish ink, saffron, cocoa and other ingredients of similar consistency.

What is the pasta

Introduction Pasta is the food as simple and natural that there is: durum wheat semolina and water. Nothing else. There is not the sale: to conserve enough natural drying, there are no chemical additives of any kind and there are no dyes, the natural yellow pulp is that of the sun at his time absorbed in the grain maturation. The links are close with the grain, and good looking, you find that the grain to flour, the dough composition is the same: we do not lose anything of the components. In the milling of grain, since the biblical times, is separated from the bran and mostly devoted to animal husbandry. In a raw meal, and then into a rough paste, the value of the protein would be higher but the crude fiber is not absorbed, is eliminated with little use. Each element provided more calories, however, so more or less balanced, because the substances it contains, so there may be foods that, for the same calories are assimilated so deeply diverso.Un hint more detail then is necessary for proteins, the pillars of our cells: they are about twenty different amino acids, many of which are replenished daily by the organism, but is unable to produce nine: the essential amino acids, which are to be introduced in the by nutrizione.Tanto circumstances, we specify that spaghetti or other pasta Full providing 350 calories per 100 grams. With respect to its components of starch, which constitutes the largest percentage in the carbohydrates, is an excellent source of energy and high digestibility, as good results in the intake of proteins contributing to reach the required 2800 calories per day to a person adulta.Dal point of view of calories so the pasta is a food-balanced, it is also complete, after it is seasoned. Always in fact, even before the tomatoes arrive in old Europe, old, even fast food chemistry, used macaroni seasoning with honey or other spices, the seasoning has always had to taste the pasta is to complete the nutritional value; made use of especially cheese, which adds lysine, the essential amino acid to which the pasta is lacking, creating a complete food, rich condiments can make a single dish, as is was originally, when the pockets are not allowed empty lunch by the various flow rates.

What are the organoleptic properties?

A rigorous classification of the individual organoleptic properties can not be managed without difficulty to catalog briefly, as some, because of their complexity, are actually composed of a set of characteristics perceived globally. For example, the appearance of the food is determined by a set of characteristics perceived mainly by sight, but secondly also with the sense of touch and hearing. The literature shows so different classification schemes based on the degree of generality of a particular property. Among the properties usually mentioned include the following: color, with the perceived view size, primarily with the perceived view form, seen mainly with a view condition, seen primarily with the view taste, perceived by the taste and smell odor, perceived by smell. consistency and texture, perceived by sight, touch and hearing Overall, these characteristics can be summarized in three general properties that are valued more or less consciously, in the following chronological order [1]: Physical Appearance: This property will summarize the shape, size, color and, to a first examination, the texture and condition. In the perception of appearance takes on a role the view. Chemical properties: This property will summarize the odor and flavor. The perception of the chemical is a prerogative of chemiorecettori spread in the language and in the nose. Mechanical: This property will summarize the mechanical strength, texture, uniformity, the crunchiness, etc.. These are characteristics that are perceived in a complex way by touch and in some cases with the intervention of hearing. Evaluation [Review] In value, more or less consciously, we attach to a food come into play various components of assessment: In addition to the organoleptic characteristics are taken into consideration the health, nutritional properties, functionality, cost, fashion. The assessment is expressed in a more or less explicitly that the limit, you can configure in sensations such as the desire, need, indifference, contentment, satisfaction or dissatisfaction, and so on. In determining these feelings, the elements mentioned are different weights for the different contexts. For example, the cost is often a determining factor, however, may pass into the background in the alternative to organoleptic, fashion, functionality. Among the intrinsic properties of a food, the organoleptic generally occupy a dominant role in determining the interest and the satisfaction of the consumer [2] [3]: for example, you may be inclined to spend more, in monetary terms, for buy a food more appealing, or spend time and effort to cook a food less tasty but more functional, acceptance of health risks in exchange for certain characteristics. These choices are made every day: for example, you buy more frequently meat cuts 1st quality than those in 3rd because most welcome even if more expensive, we prefer to spend hours each day to cook meals because you get more pleasing than those already ready, we prefer raw oysters to cook even if less healthy, and so on.

mercoledì 29 aprile 2009

What 'is the taste

the taste is one of the five senses whose receptors are the glasses taste in taste buds of the tongue, soft palate in the pharynx, in the cheeks and nell'epiglottide. The taste is also the premise of elegance, because it consists nell'attitudine is innate to discern aesthetic qualities and defects, both in the particular sense of beauty that can be acquired and refined through education and practice with the beauty, form, educate taste. Index [hide] 1 Anatomy 1.1 The button gustatory 1.2 Physiology 1.3 Driving the signal to higher centers 1.4 How we perceive the flavors 1.5 Taste and Odors Anatomy [edit] In anatomy, in humans, there are three different types of taste buds, which contain, in taste buds, the specialized cells in taste reception of the molecules. These buds have a by election, in fact the third front of the tongue are the fungiform papillae, the central part of which protrudes square, in the posterior third are Circumvallazione buds at the front of the terminal sulcus of the tongue, and laterally placed, are the leaf buds. Every type of papilla contains taste buds are located where the receptor cells. The gustatory button [edit] Has a roughly spherical shape with an opening at the apex which is called gustatory pore protrude from which the microvilli of taste cells. At the base are the chemical synaptic connections with afferent fibers sensitive. In each of these you can identify four types of cell: cells with clear, dark, intermediate and basal cells. The basal cells were stem cells that take part in the rapid turnover of cells in the taste buds, while the other cell types is thought to be three different states of development of the gustatory cell. Other authors believe are elements belonging to different cell lines. In each button are located from 50 to 150 cells which are bipolar neurons. Physiology [edit] The gustatory system is able to distinguish five basic tastes: sweet, bitter, salty, sour and umami. Each of these categories is subject to a particular route of signal transduction that can be schematically reduced to two main types: receptors linked to G proteins or through membrane ion channels. By stimulation of the cell produces a potential receptor that stimulates the entry of calcium ions into the cell causing the release of neurotransmitters in the basal and the genesis of an action potential in afferent fibers. For the savory route of transduction corresponds to the entry of sodium channels in sodium-sensitive all'amiloride. This causes depolarization of the cell empty. Nell'aspro there are two possible ways: a first mechanism is to block ion channels of apical potassium ion by hydrogen with subsequent depolarization (potassium should normally exit through them because of the gradient created by sodium-potassium ATPase ). The other mechanism could be blocking part of the hydrogen ion channel, always apical, sodium. The bitter taste is second trasdotto at least three possible routes. In the first, substances such as quinine determine apical blockage of potassium channels. A second mechanism seems to be tied to a particular G protein that Gustducina, which activates a phosphodiesterase, which decreases intracellular concentrations of cAMP and cGMP. The third is always the activation of a G protein which activates a phospholipase C that increases the concentration of IP3 determines that release of calcium ions from intracellular stores depolarized the cell. The taste of sweet, finally, has two mechanisms all employees from the activation of protein G. In the first we have a situation similar to the bitter taste: there is increased concentration of IP3 with what it follows. In the second mechanism, the G protein activates the adenylate cyclase, increasing the cAMP. This in turn leads to the phosphorylation of potassium channels in apical cell with depolarization. Behavior of the signal to higher centers [edit] It is seen that the afferent fibers, that is, neurons that connect the receptor cells in the central nuclei are differently sensitive to different types of stimuli, so that each fiber afferent responds optimally to a given stimulus (eg sweet) but may be energized by others, albeit with a higher threshold. This is a typical characteristic of the various sensory systems. From here we understand that each fiber receives afferent information from different glasses and taste that different information is conveyed to higher centers where central neurons, comparing the different stimulations, decipher the feeling. The stimuli from the receptors are carried by the timpani chord (VII), the glossofaringeo (IX) and vague (X) to the bulb, the nucleus of the solitary tract. From here are conveyed to the thalamus, the ventral nucleus posteromediale, and the gustatory cortex. How we perceive the flavors [edit] The buds are only about ten days, and are subject to a continuous supply. Their task is to analyze the nature of the various substances present in food after they are dissolved in saliva. The contact with different substances generate different impulses reaching the brain, where it is perceived and recognized the flavors. Our gustatory sensitivity allows us to perceive sweet, bitter, sour, salty and umami. In each of these tastes is a specialized language (see diagram language / taste). Taste and Odors [edit] The gustatory and olfactory sensations are integrated together to provide information. For example, if they enjoy a drink and feel the taste, the smell is, both are important to appreciate the quality.