The Romans never fail. So even for the pasta dish that symbolizes our national territory, is a burgeoning literature that has its roots in Imperial Rome. We know, for example, that Cicero and Horace are fond of "lagana" (from greek "laganoz, crushed flour from which the strips of pasta in Rome, the forerunner of our lasagna). Marco Gavio Apicius, gastronome par excellence, with his "De re coquinaria books" c'ha left a rich documentation on the existence of a compound similar to our pasta, a timballo enclosed inside lagana. But the most ancient testimonies on the subject of pasta cooked in water date back to at least 3 thousand years before Christ. Stucco reliefs of the "Grotta Bella" in Umbria, Etruscan tomb of the fourth century, reproduce the interior of a house: the two central pillars are hung, among other things, the spianatoia, the rolling pin and the wheel dentata.Notizie latest on pulp lead us to Trabia, near Palermo. On the one driving the Arab geographer Al-Idrin, year 1154, we know that here there is a food of flour in the form of wires, called by the Arabic word "itriyah" (from "itrija" which survives in modern language and derives from the root "additional", meaning "cool"). The export takes place in barrels. Note that even today are the "tria bastard" and "vermiceddi of tria" in Sicily, the "mass and geometry" and "Ciceri e tria" in the province of Lecce, the "tridde" in the province of the Middle Ages are Bari.Nel several documents mentioning the dough, but in ways more originali.Nel 1244, a doctor bergamasco promises a lanaiolo of Genoa that the disability would have healed by mouth if he had not eaten neither meat nor fruit, nor cabbages or paste: "Et non debes comedie de aliquo frutamine beef neque nec neque sicca de pasta de lissa nec caulis de ..." (Roberto Lopez, "Up and down the history of Genoa"). As regards the word "macaronis", the first symbol of pasta, we find it employed in 1279 by the Genoese notary Ugolino Scarpa in drawing up an inventory of property owned by the deceased sailor Ponzio Bastone. He writes: "A bariscela plena de macaronis" indicating a kind of semolina dumplings type of "malloreddus" sardi. The debut of macaroni in the literature is the "Decameron" of Boccaccio, in the middle of three hundred, in the description of Maso del Saggio ago the country Bengodi silly Calandrino: "And you were all a mountain of grated Parmesan cheese, above which were people who were none else do macaroni and cook them in capon broth, and then down gittavan Quinci ...". Boccaccio probably heard use the term "macaroni" in Naples, where to stay until 1336.Il philologist Agnolo Venetian Morosini, at the beginning of the fifteenth century, two supposed etymology for "macaroni": the low greek "Macario," mixture of barley and broth, or the greek classic "macar" meaning "blessed," and "food of the blessed." After the mid-fifteenth explodes fashion recipe. In 1450 Maestro Martino, chef to the Patriarch of Aquileia, teaches us how to prepare "Maccaroni Roman", "Maccaroni otherwise, Maccaroni Sicilian" and "vermicelli" in his "Libro de arte coquinaria 'recipes with of flour and water. Bartolomeo Sacchi, called Platina, historian and prefect of the Vatican Library, in 1474 wrote the cookbook "De voluptate honesta", which alludes to keep drying the pasta: "Desicata the sun for this dish durara duo et etiam three years. Maxime se dil August will ipastata. If cum ipastati moon rising. " The book is translated successfully in France. Other recipes: the "Book Novo" by Cristofaro Messisbugo of 1557, carver at the court of Cardinal Ippolito d'Este in the time of Ludovico Ariosto el ' "Opera" Bartholomew of Bologna Scappi (1570) in six books, which appear, with names different, the different types of pasta "noodles", "Maccaroni, maccheroni these dumplings." From them we know that the pasta, in this period is accompanied by sweet ingredients such as honey, sweet spices, sugar and cinnamon, but also cheese, butter, meat broth. It is used in cooking even sweetened almond milk or milk capra.Il five hundred is the century where the "masters of pasta" alongside the work of millers and bakers in gathering trade associations. Documents attest guilds of pasta in Rome, Naples, Palermo, Milan, Savona. In other cities the pasta is registering with bakers. In Rome, who sells pasta without being a baker faces fines and corporal punishment: "up to 25 scudisciate, stretches of rope, saloon and jail." In five hundred is also the adjective literary "macaroni" (still in use) that indicates a language that mixed Latin and Italian words. It is spread mainly in Padua goliardic. Its greatest exponent, Folengo Theophilus, born in Mantua in 1496 and died in Bassano del Grappa in 1544, is known by the pseudonym Merlin Coca. His collection "Opus macaronicum", ie "maccheronee Works", released in 1552. In six hundred pasta is very popular. Crosses national boundaries, conquering the world. Arrives in France by Catherine de 'Medici. In England a very popular comedy entitled "The Macaoni". In 1641 Pope Urban VIII imposes a minimum distance of 24 meters between a shop and the other due to inflation of pasta shops. The Economic History of the'700 Genoan "Julius Giacchero speaks of" trenette avantage "seasoned with pesto. In the "home cooking in Neapolitan dialect" by Ippolito Cavalcanti (1839) is the first recipe in which the tomato is combined with the pasta. Until the proceedings of the flour mixture with water is done with the feet. Then the old presses began to be replaced with hydraulic presses, where the mixture is pushed against the drawbench no longer one lives a good spin by hand, but by a hydraulically actuated piston. The first hydraulic presses appear around 1870. The process of mechanization is gradual. The first machine capable of performing all parts of the production process is patented in 1933. The introduction of the continuous press allows you to mix, Gramola and press the dough against drawbench without interrupting the cycle of lavorazione.Con the advent of the artificial production of pulp exits outside the craft and become an industrial product. The spread is huge. Some photographs show the "maccheronari" Parthenopean the corners of the streets intent to cook the dish in huge cauldron and serve sprinkled with grated cheese and seasoned pepper. Customers eat in front of the bench with the historical mani.Altri bind its name to pasta. Giacomo Casanova in 1734 in Chioggia composed a sonnet in honor of macaroni. In 1824 Antonio Viviani public playful poem "Li maccheroni di Napoli", where for the first time the word "spaghetti" as up to seven hundred pasta is synonymous with "macaroni." Giacomo Leopardi quotes macaroni in "New Believers" of 1835.Va then remembered that the description Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa in his famous "Leopard" is the timbale of macaroni: "Good creanze aside, however, the appearance of such monumental pies was well worthy of mention quivers of admiration. The burnished gold dell'involucro, the fragrance of sugar and cinnamon which emanated, were only the prelude of the feeling of delight that is emitted from within, when a knife pierces the crust: it erompeva first a load of smoke and aromas is seen then the livers of chicken, the eggs hard, the filleting of ham, chicken and truffles in the mass oily, hot, short of macaroni, the extract of meat gave a valuable color suede. Famous, finally, the aversion of Filippo Tommaso Marinetti on the pasta. In the "Manifesto of Futurist cooking," writes: "We first need the abolition of pasta, an absurd Italian gastronomic religion." Comes to firing a revolver coup against a plate of spaghetti. It will then be surprised and immortalize it in a restaurant while eating pasta spaghetti.La short, with the path, thanks to its indisputable virtues organoleptic the high starch content gives a high energy value and the plant constituents (fiber food) ensure high digestibility, and low in fat provides health benefits. Feed means to supply the body of the same elements of which it is composed and which are constantly being consumed. The proteins, fats and carbohydrates give energy to the human body, an energy which is measured in calories. All food, therefore, in accordance with its content of these elements, provides a certain amount of calories that can be more or less balanced, according to the percentage of substances found two equally calorie foods can be treated in a manner very different from ' organismo.L 'clarification concerning other proteins. Are the fundamental constituents of cells, they are about twenty different amino acids, many of which can be constructed by others should be introduced with the food because the body can not build alone, nine and are called essential amino acids. After addentriamoci said in the speech itself dietetico.Le provided 350 calories 100 grams of spaghetti or other pasta, Full not be accused of creating problems dietetici.Che face grease the dough is a cliché that goes dispel. Who among us, in front of the TV munch a bar of chocolate from 100 grams to 400 calories thinks that it provides? Or that a can of Coca-Cola and two glasses of white wine making virtually the same calories in a plate of pasta, but so much more unbalanced? The table below is eloquent, there have compared the energy input of some of the foods easier and more comune.Analizzando data related to the pulp is to be stressed that the starch (which is the highest percentage of carbohydrates ) is an optimal energy source, and is of very high digestibility. The caloric intake of protein is very good. Recall that in about 2800 calories daily are needed to average adult, 60% should come from carbohydrates, 20% lipids and 10% from protein. Thus from this point of view paste is a food sufficiently balanced in terms of calories and as we shall see, is perfectly balanced when condito.L 'used to dress the pasta with cheese, either Parmigiano, pecorino cheese or cheese, is lost with the very origins of pasta. Even when they are not yet known and spread the tomato, it was seasoned with honey, cinnamon and sweet spices, the cheese always had. The human instinct has always been know to recognize the needs and feed accordingly. In fact, the proteins of the dough must be regarded as unbalanced in terms of amino acid composition, almost totally lacking in an essential amino acid, lysine. But Just a spoonful of cheese enough to raise the level of lysine originally lacking and make a pasta dish of food complete. Condiments rich can even transform it into a single dish, and restoring quell'importanza nutritional values that have unfortunately lost when the increased income and the consequent diversification of consumption have enriched our tables, downgrading the pasta and relegated to the role of first course for poor chi ... no problems linea.A confirmation of all this are the opinion of one of the greatest physiologists of America, Dr. DR Hodgdon, rector of the University of New York, chairman of the Medical College of Hannemann and the Hospital of Chicago, in a direct relationship to the National American food, he writes: "The consumption of pasta is increasing rapidly for several years, in this country (America, ndr). And with reason: it has valuable nutritional properties. In terms of digestibility is at the top of the scale of the different foods ... We find that the dough is briefly mentioned for those who suffer from digestion. On the one hand, it has vigorously and also submit the digestive system to a minimum of effort. Worthy of note that this wonderful food, unlike many others, contains a very small track, or do not contain them at all, substances injurious to the system of blood vessels and the liver. Indeed it does not produce uric acid. It is therefore a food-friendly, useful for those suffering from lumbago, rheumatism, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, gout ... For small pasta is an exceptional food for both the lively action that nutrient for quick and easy pasta digestione.Invero to provide a remarkable amount of force and energy. Speaking of pasta, I refer to a type that is truly excellent, as is derived from wheat rich in protein content The cheese ... although it is not especially rich in iron because it contains milk, percent calories of nutritious. Its iron content is comparable to or greater than that of rice, walnuts, honey, juice d ' grapes, wheat flour, the coconut and so on. And then the dough contains phosphorus, an element of vital importance to the human organism. an ounce of pasta makes a contribution in phosphorus than double that provided by potatoes, one and a half times in football, the same amount or slightly more magnesium and less than six times in solfuro.Tutti these elements are essential for the proper functioning of the human organism so that the macaroni because damage to the body, such rich contribution of minerals, are regarded as one of the most valuable foods for use in mixed diet with other alimenti.Un significant increase in nutritional value is still led by the addition of tomato and cheese, indeed all the vitamins that are known to be present in this combination ; vitamin that promotes the development or antirachitica, which regulates the digestive tract mucosa preventing gastro intestinal disorders, poor nutrition and anemia or vitamin antigastrica, which prevents scurvy and neuritis or antiscorbutica and antineuritica, all are " .
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