The term "Mediterranean diet", is the traditional diet of populations residing in the Mediterranean basin, based mainly on products of plant origin such as cereals, legumes, vegetables, fruit and oil, particularly olive oil, over the years sixty, extensive epidemiological studies, conducted by American researcher Ancel Keys, have shown that food model present a protective action against so-called "prosperity diseases" (such as overweight and obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, particular types of cancer ).
When it comes to Mediterranean diet, the association with pasta as a food symbol of this particular power supply has become almost automatically into the popular, it is necessary to point out, however, that the high proportion of complex carbohydrates that characterizes this type of diet must not only referring to pasta, but rice, which is an honorable place in the Southern culinary tradition.
The consumption of rice should be encouraged because it is one of those foods that, when taken regularly as part of a Mediterranean-type, can be of great help in maintaining, promoting and / or retrieve a good state of psychological well-being physical; rice because it is among the food, a very special place: it is not just a good healthy and nutritious food, but also at the same time, a real dietary product offered by nature.
This position has always been recognized in medicine for many reasons, conditions that once were empirical, but now modern science has been demonstrated through rigorous scientific research.
It appears, therefore, important to focus attention on the nutritional composition of rice, emphasizing the qualities that this food diet has been shown to possess. Among the positive characteristics that have rice, we recall first of its high digestibility, higher than any other flour, including pasta, the carbohydrate fraction consists of rice from starch is, in fact, in the form of granules with very small (2 -- 10 microns), and also the relationship between the two components of starch (the straight-l '-amylose and the branched-l'-amylopectin, which affect the digestibility and absorption), is in favor dell'amilopectina , which is more easily attacked by enzymes Amylolytic and, therefore, more easily digestible.
In this digest, is associated with the high-level intestinal absorption of nutrients in rice, because the salivary enzymes (those dell'orletto brush pancreatic and intestinal) are able to break down the starch into its components (amylose and amyl pectin and, respectively, maltose and alpha-dextrin), totally absorbed nutrients at the level of the small intestine.
The carbohydrate component of rice, it must also be a regulator effect on intestinal flora, as a diet mainly based on rice, select the type of fermentative bacteria, which confer resistance to intestinal colonization by the pathogen, this unique feature has led doctors, between the nineteenth and twentieth century, to give the rice a characteristic dietoterapia important for the treatment of intestinal ailments flogistiche, so much so that many today still remember the "white rice" as prescribed by your doctor in case of therapy in diseases of the load gastroenteric.
Regarding the fraction of protein contained in rice, it is important to emphasize how proteins in rice have a better amino acid composition compared with other grains, thanks to dell'aminoacido lysine, defined as essential in the human organism is unable to synthesize themselves, which must necessarily be introduced through the diet, and this gives the rice protein biological value highest among the various cereals, also, another thing to remember is that the protein in rice does not contain the gliadin and glutenin fractions, typical of hard and soft wheat, which allow the formation of gluten, but that in many cases cause severe food intolerance (eg. celiac's disease).
Even taking into account the lipid component present in the rice, it is because this food is special in its composition, because, in rice are predominant essential fatty acids (called essential because their presence in the human diet depends only dall'apporto) Series 18:2, n-6 (linoleic acid, 29-42%) and the range 18:3, n-3 (linolenic acid, 0.8-1%).
These essential fatty acids are fundamental constituents of the phospholipids of all cell membranes and are essential to carry out the normal functions of all tissues and organs, a diet based on rice provides sufficient quantities of essential fatty acids, allowing the physiological performance of all cellular metabolic reactions.
As for the mineral content of rice, we stress the positive relationship between sodium and potassium: the low sodium content (5 milligrams in 100 grams of food) and, conversely, the high potassium content (92 milligrams per 100 grams of food) are in fact a positive feature of this food, thanks to his low sodium content, remember that rice was the pillar, in a not so distant past, a particular intervention dietoterapico very effective, the diet of Kempner , made of rice boiled without salt, indicated in essential hypertension, when not only products but also many dietary drugs were present there to come.
In relation to content in trace elements present in the rice stand out is the large amount of selenium and silicon. Recall that the selenium is one of the most powerful antioxidants, molecules that the human body has at its disposal to counter the damage caused by free radicals, which are molecules that are formed during the physiological reactions that occur in the result or injury from Part of the external environment, free radicals are unstable molecules with high reactivity, which may take important roles in pathogenesis clinical aspect.
As for silicon, we stress that this micro-nutrient, recently seen as essential trace element for humans, has attracted attention because of its ability to stimulate cells osteopoietiche (is present in high concentrations in osteoblasts) and its role in shaping the fundamental substance of connective tissue, as is required for the formation of collagen and dell'elastina (proteins, respectively, give the connective tissues their elastic properties and contractility).
Another characteristic that distinguishes rice from other foods is that the shift from farm to table is straightforward and fast: in fact, the technological process which precedes the consumption is very simple: after sbramatura and refining, is usually served as only after boiling and then the simple chain that carries the rice on our plates does not allow that to happen to this food adulteration.
The fact that the rice for human consumption should only be eaten cooked makes a food hygienically safe, provided, of course, between the kitchen and use not spend much time and do not, therefore, contamination with a particular pathogen causes tossinfezioni of food: Bacillus cereus.
The positive characteristics noted that rice has, both from a point of view of nutrition that high safety sanitation, it should also encourage consumption in view of the fact that scientific research, which are currently carried on rice, are bringing to light other new, important and positive features of this foodstuff, remember, in fact, that several Japanese studies have shown that a particular fraction glutenin peptide isolated from rice and rice prolamina (defined bioactive peptides) present a strong antihypertensive activity; is currently searching for the possibility of using these peptides for pharmacological purposes.
We recall also that the rice bran, in addition to fibrous components, also contains gamma-oryzanolo, (a phytosterol not saponified), it was shown that the intake of gamma-oryzanolo results in a reduction of serum total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, apolipoprotein B and triglycerides (remember that high levels of these compounds represent risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease), and also reduces the risk aterogenico, improving significantly the ratio LDL cholesterol / HDL and ApoB / ApoA.
It should be emphasized the importance of rice in the group of functional foods (the so-called "functional food") which are specific foods which, in addition to their intrinsic nutritional value, also contain a special mix of ingredients that is designed to allow a better functioning of the human organism, associated to the prevention and treatment of some special diseases and the extrinsic functional foods and the concept of a food that combines synergistically in both the nutritional benefits that those doctors, making it increasingly tenuous border between food pure and simple and the product or pharmacological treatment.
Are therefore three main conditions that define a "functional food":
- Is a food (not capsules or tablets or powder);., - Must be consumed as part of daily diet (and hence should not be integrated);
- Once ingested, it must present a peculiar feature, which is to settle a particular function, such as: improving the physiological defense mechanisms of the body, preventing specific diseases, control the psycho-physical conditions, slow down the physiological aging process.
The first functional food that has been traded to Japan (the only nation that, to date, present a special legislation for the registration of these particular foods) in 1993 was the rice ipoallergenizzante. The factor allergenizzante content in rice was identified in a protein fraction from the molecular weight of 14-16 Kdalton; DNA sequences encoding these allergenic proteins have been isolated from the seeds of rice.
Through a special technique was repressed the expression of the gene allergies in rice seeds during maturation, an analysis of the seeds by ELISA test using monoclonal antibodies that specifically identify the allergen for 16 KDalton, showed that the allergenic content of this molecule in the seeds of plants of this particular rice ipoallergenizzante is significantly lower than in the seed of traditional rice plants.
Use of this rice ipoallergenizzante is therefore essential for those individuals who have shown an allergic reaction to the rice (positive response to the RAST-immunoglobulin E-radioallergo-sorbent assay for the rice), several studies have shown that the assumption for a period of 4 weeks of rice ipoallergenizzante (excluding completely from the diet rice classic) by persons suffering from atopic dermatitis to allergic basis has resulted in a significant improvement of extension and of the severity of skin lesions. Even in patients with bronchial asthma due to allergic reaction to the rice, using rice ipoallergenizzante has proved useful, because it has determined the total disappearance of asthma attacks.
The food allergies are a growing phenomenon in recent decades, so the opportunity to have a functional food such as rice ipoallergenizzante (perfectly superimposable with regard to the characteristics of common rice used) represents a significant advantage both in terms of prevention (to be advised to subjects in which a predisposition is assumed), which from a therapeutic (compulsory recruitment for allergy sufferers).
The employment of "functional food" is part of a new line of investigation and analysis by the international scientific research in the past, it was, in fact, research in food items that could prove adverse to health (eg a carcinogen), while today we're looking for protective factors, which, once identified, are used to enrich the daily food intake in order to maximize its effects and to expand their consumption in all segments of the population.
Within the category of "functional food", rice is also part of the group as part of fortified foods, using a particular technology (defined as "coating method"), the rice is enriched with these nutrients, extremely useful for the welfare the human body: the essential amino acid L-lysine, the macro calcium and iron, and lastly, the vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D.
The rice of the future will, therefore, not only in quality, but will allow the consumer to associate the pleasures of the table, preventive action on their health.
When it comes to Mediterranean diet, the association with pasta as a food symbol of this particular power supply has become almost automatically into the popular, it is necessary to point out, however, that the high proportion of complex carbohydrates that characterizes this type of diet must not only referring to pasta, but rice, which is an honorable place in the Southern culinary tradition.
The consumption of rice should be encouraged because it is one of those foods that, when taken regularly as part of a Mediterranean-type, can be of great help in maintaining, promoting and / or retrieve a good state of psychological well-being physical; rice because it is among the food, a very special place: it is not just a good healthy and nutritious food, but also at the same time, a real dietary product offered by nature.
This position has always been recognized in medicine for many reasons, conditions that once were empirical, but now modern science has been demonstrated through rigorous scientific research.
It appears, therefore, important to focus attention on the nutritional composition of rice, emphasizing the qualities that this food diet has been shown to possess. Among the positive characteristics that have rice, we recall first of its high digestibility, higher than any other flour, including pasta, the carbohydrate fraction consists of rice from starch is, in fact, in the form of granules with very small (2 -- 10 microns), and also the relationship between the two components of starch (the straight-l '-amylose and the branched-l'-amylopectin, which affect the digestibility and absorption), is in favor dell'amilopectina , which is more easily attacked by enzymes Amylolytic and, therefore, more easily digestible.
In this digest, is associated with the high-level intestinal absorption of nutrients in rice, because the salivary enzymes (those dell'orletto brush pancreatic and intestinal) are able to break down the starch into its components (amylose and amyl pectin and, respectively, maltose and alpha-dextrin), totally absorbed nutrients at the level of the small intestine.
The carbohydrate component of rice, it must also be a regulator effect on intestinal flora, as a diet mainly based on rice, select the type of fermentative bacteria, which confer resistance to intestinal colonization by the pathogen, this unique feature has led doctors, between the nineteenth and twentieth century, to give the rice a characteristic dietoterapia important for the treatment of intestinal ailments flogistiche, so much so that many today still remember the "white rice" as prescribed by your doctor in case of therapy in diseases of the load gastroenteric.
Regarding the fraction of protein contained in rice, it is important to emphasize how proteins in rice have a better amino acid composition compared with other grains, thanks to dell'aminoacido lysine, defined as essential in the human organism is unable to synthesize themselves, which must necessarily be introduced through the diet, and this gives the rice protein biological value highest among the various cereals, also, another thing to remember is that the protein in rice does not contain the gliadin and glutenin fractions, typical of hard and soft wheat, which allow the formation of gluten, but that in many cases cause severe food intolerance (eg. celiac's disease).
Even taking into account the lipid component present in the rice, it is because this food is special in its composition, because, in rice are predominant essential fatty acids (called essential because their presence in the human diet depends only dall'apporto) Series 18:2, n-6 (linoleic acid, 29-42%) and the range 18:3, n-3 (linolenic acid, 0.8-1%).
These essential fatty acids are fundamental constituents of the phospholipids of all cell membranes and are essential to carry out the normal functions of all tissues and organs, a diet based on rice provides sufficient quantities of essential fatty acids, allowing the physiological performance of all cellular metabolic reactions.
As for the mineral content of rice, we stress the positive relationship between sodium and potassium: the low sodium content (5 milligrams in 100 grams of food) and, conversely, the high potassium content (92 milligrams per 100 grams of food) are in fact a positive feature of this food, thanks to his low sodium content, remember that rice was the pillar, in a not so distant past, a particular intervention dietoterapico very effective, the diet of Kempner , made of rice boiled without salt, indicated in essential hypertension, when not only products but also many dietary drugs were present there to come.
In relation to content in trace elements present in the rice stand out is the large amount of selenium and silicon. Recall that the selenium is one of the most powerful antioxidants, molecules that the human body has at its disposal to counter the damage caused by free radicals, which are molecules that are formed during the physiological reactions that occur in the result or injury from Part of the external environment, free radicals are unstable molecules with high reactivity, which may take important roles in pathogenesis clinical aspect.
As for silicon, we stress that this micro-nutrient, recently seen as essential trace element for humans, has attracted attention because of its ability to stimulate cells osteopoietiche (is present in high concentrations in osteoblasts) and its role in shaping the fundamental substance of connective tissue, as is required for the formation of collagen and dell'elastina (proteins, respectively, give the connective tissues their elastic properties and contractility).
Another characteristic that distinguishes rice from other foods is that the shift from farm to table is straightforward and fast: in fact, the technological process which precedes the consumption is very simple: after sbramatura and refining, is usually served as only after boiling and then the simple chain that carries the rice on our plates does not allow that to happen to this food adulteration.
The fact that the rice for human consumption should only be eaten cooked makes a food hygienically safe, provided, of course, between the kitchen and use not spend much time and do not, therefore, contamination with a particular pathogen causes tossinfezioni of food: Bacillus cereus.
The positive characteristics noted that rice has, both from a point of view of nutrition that high safety sanitation, it should also encourage consumption in view of the fact that scientific research, which are currently carried on rice, are bringing to light other new, important and positive features of this foodstuff, remember, in fact, that several Japanese studies have shown that a particular fraction glutenin peptide isolated from rice and rice prolamina (defined bioactive peptides) present a strong antihypertensive activity; is currently searching for the possibility of using these peptides for pharmacological purposes.
We recall also that the rice bran, in addition to fibrous components, also contains gamma-oryzanolo, (a phytosterol not saponified), it was shown that the intake of gamma-oryzanolo results in a reduction of serum total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, apolipoprotein B and triglycerides (remember that high levels of these compounds represent risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease), and also reduces the risk aterogenico, improving significantly the ratio LDL cholesterol / HDL and ApoB / ApoA.
It should be emphasized the importance of rice in the group of functional foods (the so-called "functional food") which are specific foods which, in addition to their intrinsic nutritional value, also contain a special mix of ingredients that is designed to allow a better functioning of the human organism, associated to the prevention and treatment of some special diseases and the extrinsic functional foods and the concept of a food that combines synergistically in both the nutritional benefits that those doctors, making it increasingly tenuous border between food pure and simple and the product or pharmacological treatment.
Are therefore three main conditions that define a "functional food":
- Is a food (not capsules or tablets or powder);., - Must be consumed as part of daily diet (and hence should not be integrated);
- Once ingested, it must present a peculiar feature, which is to settle a particular function, such as: improving the physiological defense mechanisms of the body, preventing specific diseases, control the psycho-physical conditions, slow down the physiological aging process.
The first functional food that has been traded to Japan (the only nation that, to date, present a special legislation for the registration of these particular foods) in 1993 was the rice ipoallergenizzante. The factor allergenizzante content in rice was identified in a protein fraction from the molecular weight of 14-16 Kdalton; DNA sequences encoding these allergenic proteins have been isolated from the seeds of rice.
Through a special technique was repressed the expression of the gene allergies in rice seeds during maturation, an analysis of the seeds by ELISA test using monoclonal antibodies that specifically identify the allergen for 16 KDalton, showed that the allergenic content of this molecule in the seeds of plants of this particular rice ipoallergenizzante is significantly lower than in the seed of traditional rice plants.
Use of this rice ipoallergenizzante is therefore essential for those individuals who have shown an allergic reaction to the rice (positive response to the RAST-immunoglobulin E-radioallergo-sorbent assay for the rice), several studies have shown that the assumption for a period of 4 weeks of rice ipoallergenizzante (excluding completely from the diet rice classic) by persons suffering from atopic dermatitis to allergic basis has resulted in a significant improvement of extension and of the severity of skin lesions. Even in patients with bronchial asthma due to allergic reaction to the rice, using rice ipoallergenizzante has proved useful, because it has determined the total disappearance of asthma attacks.
The food allergies are a growing phenomenon in recent decades, so the opportunity to have a functional food such as rice ipoallergenizzante (perfectly superimposable with regard to the characteristics of common rice used) represents a significant advantage both in terms of prevention (to be advised to subjects in which a predisposition is assumed), which from a therapeutic (compulsory recruitment for allergy sufferers).
The employment of "functional food" is part of a new line of investigation and analysis by the international scientific research in the past, it was, in fact, research in food items that could prove adverse to health (eg a carcinogen), while today we're looking for protective factors, which, once identified, are used to enrich the daily food intake in order to maximize its effects and to expand their consumption in all segments of the population.
Within the category of "functional food", rice is also part of the group as part of fortified foods, using a particular technology (defined as "coating method"), the rice is enriched with these nutrients, extremely useful for the welfare the human body: the essential amino acid L-lysine, the macro calcium and iron, and lastly, the vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D.
The rice of the future will, therefore, not only in quality, but will allow the consumer to associate the pleasures of the table, preventive action on their health.
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