mercoledì 6 maggio 2009

Importance of Tuna

Tuna is rich in proteins, protects the sight reduces the risk of heart attack and help prevent arthritis. Once the samurai considered bad tuna to eat, but now is one of the most consumed fish Giappone.Era in 1903 when the shortages forced a sardine cannery in the canning albacore tuna, a species of tuna without commercial value, but since then the tuna canned food divvenne a popular opening the way to the tonno.I dolphins are often caught and killed along with tuna and why in 1972 the Congress promulgated the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), the decree for the protection of marine mammals, to protect dolphins from fishing types dannose.Questa protection policy has yielded good results, so that mortality dolphins because tuna fishery has decreased by 97% in 'est Pacifico.Molte brands of tuna in fact affix on the packaging, the slogan "The dolphins were not killed in the tuna fish." However, the union of consumers in the U.S. has stated that this is not a guarantee because there is no way you can make checks by a super partes.
Nutritional properties
Composition: Tuna is an excellent source of Omega 3, protein, potassium, selenium and vitamin B12. It also contains good amounts of niacin and phosphorus
Glycemic Index: In a study that has measured the glycemic index of different types of food, the tuna is risultsto have a GI of zero.
Protein: Tuna is an excellent source of protein, and, while in the process of canning are lost vitamins and minerals, protein values remain intact.
Prevention of cancer: In a study of 61,433 women has been shown that consumption of fatty acids in fish reduce the likelihood of getting sick of breast cancer. Xhe Preliminary research shows omega-3s inhibit the growth of breast cancer and the cancer ward of St Thomas' Hospital in London has offered to women of childbearing age who haan over 40 years, which are subject to higher risk of contracting breast cancer a supplement to their diet with greater quantities of tuna.
Alzheimer's disease: Many studies have shown that the increase in consumption of fatty acids EPA and DHA content in fish and tuna in particular, may delay the cognitive degclino the elderly. Another study showed that a diet rich in fish is associated with better memory and mental capacity. The Cardiovascular Health Cognition Study has shown that people who consume fish twice a week reduces the risk of dementia by 28% and 41% for Alzheimer's disease than those who eat less than one time. The data collected during several studies have shown that the increase in consumption of fatty acids EPA and DHA content in fish and tuna in particular, may delay the cognitive decline of elderly people. Another study showed that a diet rich in fish is associated with better memory and mental capacity. The Cardiovascular Health Cognition Study has shown that people who consume fish twice a week reduces the risk of dementia by 28% and 41% for Alzheimer's disease compared to those eating less than once a month.
Blood pressure: An international research on 4680 men and women of different ages, showed that consumption of omega 3 fats (mainly from fish) may be helpful in preventing hypertension.
Vista: The results of some studies showed that omega 3 fatty acids and the habitual consumption of fish reduces the risk of macular degeneration of the retina, a disease related to age. Also a frequent consumption of omega 3 helps in dry eye syndrome
Heart: Several studies and clinical trials have shown clear evidence that even a modest consumption of omega 3 and fish oil (1 / 2 doses per week of fish oil, aprrossimativamente 250mg / d of EPA + DHA) substantially reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and cardiac deaths
Arthritis: In clinical trials with double blind, that is made with a proportion of patients subjected to placebo stao has shown that the increase in consumption of omega 3 via fish oil can have beneficial effects in art arthritis
Large predatory fish like tuna may contain high levels of mercury, which is known as a toxic substance at neurologico.In some tests on the safety of food, tuna, or albacore tuna, canned albacore tuna, and fresh or frozen, were found significat mercury levels higher than in canned tuna chunk light varieties of Pregnant women, breastfeeding and children should avoid eating fish with high content of blue fin tuna mercurio.Il, c he is used especially for the sushi, the risks 'extinction for the fish too it is decimating, and for this reason it would be good not mangiarne.Sebbene many industries will declare "dolphin-friendly" on their boxes, it should be noted that the fishing of tuna longlines with strikes indiscriminately, sharks, turtles and seagulls.

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