mercoledì 6 maggio 2009

olive oil

We never tire of repeating: the extra-virgin olive oil is good! It could do even better if you use regularly in the kitchen, accompanied by a live sound, from a physical and mental activities. The extra olive oil, raw or heated, the grease is more suitable for feeding, not only for its aroma and its flavor, but also for all of its properties, among which in particular its acid composition with predominance of monounsaturated fatty acids and a perfect balance of polyunsaturated, its content of vitamin E, protovitamina of A and antioxidants, the protective effect on salute.Persino Americans, few producers, have recognized the high value food and therapeutic. In 1977 Professor Kelsen Angel (University of Minnesota) recognizes the acid linoleic, contained in 'olive oil a high degree of effectiveness prior to and dell'infarto of arteriosclerosis. In over two decades, studies have revealed other interesting benefits of extra virgin olive oil in daily life.
Apparatus circolatorioL'alimentazione rich in animal fat increases the amount of cholesterol in the blood, one of the main risk factors in cardiovascular disease. Vegetable oils have protective action. One can rightly say that view and in particular extra virgin olive oil has, in comparison to other vegetable oils, the more effects benefici.Non only for its features, but also because the extra virgin olive oil is the only produced by simply pressing and crushing the fruit, without further chemical and physical manipulation. The seed oil is produced through the use of special equipment and chemicals such as butane, propane, hexane. We specify: not all cholesterol is harmful. Conveyed by the fraction of high density lipoprotein (HDL) activates the elimination of cholesterol in the bile. The consumption of extra olive oil lowers total cholesterol and increases the assay of cholesterol Hdl, where its benefits to health and the increases in life expectancy for those who consume it. The risk of coronary heart disease is much higher among residents of countries not consumers of olive oil, compared with that of Mediterranean populations whose diet contains a high consumption.
AntiossidantiLa presence of tocopherols and polyphenols give extra virgin olive oil an important role in antioxidant and anti radical limiting cellular aging. Let us never forget that olive oil is all the fat, a function of energy.
DigeribilitàUn role Dall'Olio that everyone can appreciate, is the particular fragrance that it gives the plates, increasing the palatability of food and promoting the digestive secretory stimuli, thereby inducing a better digestibility.
Apparatus digerenteGli foods prepared with extra virgin olive oil with an excellent gastric and intestinal tolerance. In fact, olive oil protects the mucous membranes and prevents the effects dell'ipercloridria, thus reducing the risk of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Action laxatives, fasting more effective, and helps to correct the chronic constipation. Cistifelea stimulates and inhibits the secretion of bile. He has also protective effect against the formation of gallstones, due to activation of the bile flow and the rise of high-density lipoprotein (HDL). The incidence of biliary lithiasis is lower in regions with high consumption of olive oil.
Phases of vitaL'olio delicate extra virgin olive oil has a balanced composition of polyunsaturated fatty acids similar to that of milk. It is a good food source of fatty acids that the body can not synthesize. It is therefore very suitable for the nutrition of infants and children weaned. E 'recommended for the feeding of the elderly because of its high digestibility and to facilitate the assimilation of minerals and vitamins. Eventually stimulates mineralization of bones and prevents calcium loss.
Other aspects terapeuticiL'olio extra virgin olive oil by its composition plays a safe protective effect on arteries, the stomach and liver. In recent years there have been familiar with the properties of diets rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic) they act:
in diabetics, reducing blood glucose levels
lowering blood pressure, so that distolica (maximum) as the systolic (minimum)
decreasing the secretion of gastric acid of the small intestine, which is important for those who are suffering from ulcer (stomach or duodenum) or dyspepsia
improving the emptying of the bag by preventing bile formation calculations
producing less active secretion by the pancreas, which is important in diseases such as pancreatitis The extra virgin olive oil has always been considered a middle way between food and medicine. In rural communities is still used to extract the thorns from the skin to treat pain in the belly, to soften the Duron, etc. .. As the grandmothers used it to ensure smoothness and shine to hair. Today, medicine has come back to seriously reconsider the therapeutic properties of the oil.
Recent medical research suggests that olive oil may also be useful in the treatment of psoriasis is provided to a mild to moderate stage. Psoriasis is a skin disease. In areas affected by this disease the skin becomes red, or silver color and form scaly plaques in these areas because there is inflammation and overproduction of skin. The plaques are most often on the elbows and knees, but this disease can affect any part of the body. It is not contagious and is often aggravated by a stressful lifestyle and a little healthy behaviors including smoking el'eccessivo consumption of alcohol. About 90 percent of all cases of psoriasis are entity mild to moderate. Unfortunately, the treatments for psoriasis have many side effects and are used for this reason especially in serious cases. It is not yet developed any medical treatment for people with psoriasis mild to moderate, but a solution could be the olive oil. A few years ago, Dr. Fujio Numano, a Japanese researcher of cardiovascular disease, found that a specific preparation of olive oil had a positive effect on a patient with psoriasis to plates. A discovery totally random because Numano was evaluating the effects of olive oil on cuore.Uno of his patients, 71 years, with severe psoriasis, which was in medical therapy, had a 80% reduction in plaque after only two mesi.I results have been confirmed in a clinical trial involving more patients with psoriasis and other inflammatory skin diseases. The results were excellent with clear improvements in all patients after a few months of treatment. Those who benefit, as the doctor who conducted the study, Dr. Patrick Massey, Director of 'Alexian Brothers Hospital Network, are due to the presence of biophenol that, in fact have anti-inflammatory properties, going to inhibit some metabolic processes and amplify the inflammatory response of our body. "I think - we said Dr. Massey - that many of our diseases are due to our lifestyle. The Americans often have a messy life: sleep deprivation and unbalanced nutrition. Rather than focus on drugs - Massey insists - that would be useful to show more interest to us and perhaps find that nature has given us some of the best "medicines" existing. "
Olive oil, fine Italian food, has yet another beneficial property, un po 'particular decreases the feeling of hunger, deceiving the human body due to oleic, a fat that contains in abundance. To give food to the appointment of "crook" is a biological research recently appeared in the journal Cell Metabolism.A say it, the concept is not as innovative: other field studies had revealed that while nutrition is stimulated the production of oleoiletanolamide ( or OEA, the hormone that oleic acid is converted when it reaches the intestine) and that the pharmacological administration of this hormone decreased the frequency of meals by calling into question receptors called PPAR (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors a). The new research is divided into two main points. First, it remains dell'OEA function as a defender in a position to mitigate or to eliminate the spasms of hunger. Second, the infusion of fat in the small intestine stimulates the release of OEA, whereas that is not the case with carbohydrates and proteins, not only to produce the AEO is used oleic acid introduced dieta.Mettendo together with the data collected, the scientists involved say that as the activation of the release of OEA in the small intestine serve as sensor link between consumption of fats and satiety. According to the researchers, the results of their work, the fact that the OEA is a physiological activator of the sense of satiety, open new perspectives drug nutrizionistiche. For example, this hormone could be included in therapies to combat obesity and other diseases alimentari.Positivo subject commented Alfredo Vanotti, professor of dietetics, nutrition and dietitian at the Faculty of Medicine, University of London: "Without doubt the news is important and adds an element of the pyramid of the fundamental qualities which is the olive oil. For some time the scientific research, drug miraculous acting antifame (fortunately now much less pressing!), You are directing towards foods with properties that act nutriceutiche filling: some fatty acids, variously handled, are already appearing on the pharmaceutical market. Discovering that a fatty acid naturally present in one of the healthiest food of the Mediterranean diet may stimulate the feeling of satiety was certainly a sensational effect. We are careful, however: hunger and satiety are not only the chemical stimulus. The intake of food responds to stimuli, emotional, social, visual, tactile, and the ability of self lies at the root of everything! And the self-part, first, by the knowledge and awareness that, olive oil, although the sauce more healthy food is the most energy, and that the moderation has to be implemented before you can verify the beneficial effect filling '.

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